
2024-03-18 英语作文 阅读:

  Im a bird named Feifei. One day I was singing in a cage on the table A cat wanted to get me. He jumped onto the table,turned over the cage and tried to catch me. I was in danger, so I cried out loudly. Help me! Help me! Just then an old woman came over. She drove the cat away and I was saved.


  After breakfast Ia beautiful bird named Feifei was singing. I was so happy that I couldnt dream that a cat was coming quietly. He came at me and knocked the cage down. I was frightened. I knew I would be killed, so I cried loudly,Help! Help! Just then an old woman ran up and drove the cat away. The kind-hearted lady saved me.

  早饭后,我一只叫飞飞的美丽的鸟,正在唱歌。我那么高兴,做梦都没想到一只猫正向我悄悄走来。他向我扑来,撞倒了鸟笼。我被吓坏了。我知道他会杀死我,就大声叫喊救命! 救命!就在那时,一位老奶奶跑过来,赶走了那只猫。善良的夫人救了我。



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